I was a daydreamer until my typing speed caught up with my thoughts.

Now I’m a writer.

Award Winning Short Story Writer, Amateur Novelist, Photographer, and Professional Dork.

Once upon a time I was a Slug. I went to UC Santa Cruz (Go Slugs!) and got a science degree. My professors loved my essays and said I should be a science communicator. Probably a better idea than fiction. Oh well.

Now I’m frog. ‘Cus I’m a fish outta water in fiction. What’s a frog if not a fish outta water just makin’ it work?

Science Writing

Science seduced me into a rewarding education in molecular biology (you’re supposed to say stuff like “rewarding” when you don’t actually get a job in what you went to school for). My “professional” writing career began with the blog Morning Sign Out (alias, Jenny Connors). I fell in love with the dynamic of writer and editor, and learned more about engaging writing in those five months than I ever did in any English class.

Fantasy and Sci-Fi

Science is magic. As a writer I’m enthralled by the promise of what “could be”; freedom from words like “impossible”, “financially irresponsible” and “unethical”…not that I’ve ever heard those words (kicks chicken-llama under the table). I specialize in magical realism and science fiction, from sweeping contemporary fantasy featuring flying unicorns, to absurd space operas with alcoholic space pirates. Whatever your speculative fancy (I also like puns), I got you with a heavy dose of snarky dark humor either way.

Award Winning Short Stories

My mom says I’m awesome. Weirdly, literary agents don’t see that as a writing credential. They wanted outside validation (my mom’s the only validation I need). Magically, my particular brand of story telling, both in fiction and non-fiction, took sail in The Writer’s Digest Annual Short Story Competition, and The L. Ron Hubbard Writer’s of The Future Competition, the largest fantasy/sci-fi competition in the world.


For Avarae. A contemporary fantasy. My prequel novelette, The Son Of James, was shortlisted in The L.Ron Hubbard Writers of The Future Competition.

Alex Tries to Write The Great American Novel. An urban fantasy. The novelette version was shortlisted for The L.Ron Hubbard Writers of The Future Competition

Works in progress:

Printed Sky. A space opera. My short story Tog’s Bar, chapter 1 from another perspective, was shortlisted in The L.Ron Hubbard Writers of The Future Competition.

The Gentlemen Magician. A historical sci-fi.

I just moved to Austin, TX. Being from San Fransisco, according to either place, I’m literally the worst.